Warhammer 40k: Hunt for the Fellwyrm scenario

The Warhammer Community website released a free downloadable Warhammer 40k scenario today called “Hunt for the Fellwyrm” which is a narrative driven game scenario for two players. There is also an accompanying Battle Report available on Warhammer+ where Simon and Nick play out this very scenario. This is a most welcome addition, as most 40k scenarios are really light on the narrative aspect and more focused on just the “hold X objective for Y victory points”…kinda boring compared to Age of Sigmar’s scenarios. I’ve raised this point both on the Bolter’s and Booze podcast and in previous articles, so I’m thrilled to see Games Workshop stretching the narrative aspect more into 40k.

This particular scenario has two players fending off against a common enemy in the tyranid swarm, but specifically the tracking and slaying of a hybrid tyranid “Fellwyrm”. While it does come across as a cooperative affair, this is still a competitive game as both players are vying for “Glory Kill Points (GKP)” by destroying tryanid units. The kicker though is that there are multiple instances of introducing a randomly generator twist to the game by rolling for additional tyranid forces. Any time I see a random roll table, this casual Warhammer fan gets really excited. Randomness = on-the-fly tactical changes = fun!

I hope Games Workshop releases more scenarios like this as I feel it leans more into the outstanding lore/narrative elements of the Warhammer universe. Age of Sigmar does this to great effect, but it’s awesome to see 40k getting the same love.

If you’re interested, check out the FREE scenario available right now!

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